Let me introduce you to this course and give a rough outline over what you're going to learn!
First things first! What is Angular? Why would you want to learn it? This lecture helps answering this question.
So many Angular versions! What's up with them and which version does this course cover?
Got issues using the CLI, setting up a project or simply want to learn more about it? Check out this lecture.
Enough of the talking, let's create our first Angular project and view our first app in the browser.
Let's edit our first app!
How is this course structured? This lecture answers the question and explains what you're going to learn!
Of course you can simply go through all the lectures, but to get the most out of the course, you should consider the advises given in this lecture.
Angular uses TypeScript. What does that mean for you?
A lot of sections of this course will start with a basic setup - this lecture explains how that basic setup is created with the CLI.
Do you get some strange error? Are you stuck? Have a look at the source code of this course.
Let me introduce you to the module and explain what you're going to learn.
We saw our first App run in the browser but do you really know how it got there? This lecture answers the question.
Angular is all about Components! This lectures takes a closer look and explains what Components really are.
Thus far, we worked with the AppComponent. Time to change this and create our first own component.
Did you recognize that AppModule file? It's super important - this lecture explains what it's about!
Now that we learned how to create and register our own components, let's now dive into using them.
We can also use the CLI to create components. This lecture explains how that then works and also how you may nest components.
A Component needs to have a Template. It's an absolute must. This lectures dives deeper into templates.
Whilst a Component is required to have a template, Styles are optional. This lectures explains how you may add styling.
The Selector of a Component is important if you want to include it in another template. This lecture explains how that selector actually works and what to watch out for.
Enough about Components for now - let's finally output more dynamic content now. Databinding is super important when it comes to that. This lectures explains what Databinding is.
One of the simplest forms of Databinding is String Interpolation which allows you to output text in your template. This lecture takes a closer look.
Property Binding is another form of Databinding - also related to outputting content. Learn more about it in this lecture.
Since both Property Binding and String Interpolation are related to outputting content, which one should you use? This lecture helps you with that decision!
So far, we only passed data to the template. What if we want to react to (User) Events? Event Binding to the rescue!
To which Properties and Events can you bind? This article should be helpful.
When we're talking about Events, we have to consider passing data. This lecture explains how that works.
You can also combine event and property binding - with Two-Way-Databinding. Learn more about it in this lecture.
We learned about the different forms of Databinding, let's now combine them!
Directives are another important building block in Angular apps. Learn more about it in this lecture.
ngIf is one of the built-in directives - it's super helpful if you want to output data dynamically.
ngIf is not limited to the usage you learned in the last lecture. Learn how to use it together with an else condition in this lecture.
Want to change some styles dynamically? ngStyle is what you're looking for.
Kind of related to the dynamic styling - you can also apply CSS classes dynamically with ngClass.
What if you wanted to output lists (e.g. an array)? ngFor is there for you.
ngFor also allows you to get the Index of the current iteration - this lecture explains how that works.
Time to get started with the Course Project.
How should the Angular app we're building look like? Let's plan which features and components we need.
This is an important one - make sure to not skip this lecture!
Let's get our hands dirty and set the app up.
Time to create the components we planned to create. Try doing it on your own first!
With the components created in the last lecture, it's now time to use them so that we can see something.
Later in this course, we want to switch pages - setting up a navigation bar sounds like a great idea for that.
Our navbar collapses and we don't offer a hamburger menu. Feel free to implement one on your own or change the code as outlined here.
We're also going to use some data in this project - time to create a model for that data.
With the model and the component created, we can now add some content to our component template.
In the end, we want to have more than one recipe, so let's prepare our template to output such a list.
We also want to display some detailed information about selected recipes, so let's add the appropriate code.
We worked on the Recipe Components, let's now do the same for the shopping list.
As with the Recipe, we're also going to use some Ingredients in our app - let's add the respective model.
With the model added, we can work on outputting some ingredients.
We also want to be able to add new Ingredients to the Shopping List, so let's add the respective feature.
Part one of the app is finished. We achieved a lot but a lot of features are also still missing - time to move on and learn more about Angular.
Things don't always go the way you want them to go. Learn how to read Angular's error messages.
It can be incredibly useful to debug your app in the browser - learn more in this lecture.
Augury is a nice plugin you can use to dive deeply into your app in the browser.
We already learned some things about components but now it's time to dive deeper into them!
This lecture explains how you may split an existing app into multiple new components.
You already learned about property and event binding - but you didn't learn everything about it. Time to do so now.
You're not limited to binding to built-in properties. Indeed, binding to custom property is a key feature of Angular apps. Time to learn more about it.
Sometimes, you want to use a different property name outside of a component than inside of it. This lecture explains how to do that.
As with property binding, you can also bind to custom events.
You may also assign an alias to your custom events.
Let me summarize the things you learned about property and event binding.
Angular allows you to apply different styles to different components - this lecture explains how that works.
Let's dive deeper into View Encapsulation.
Sometimes, you want to get access to some of your HTML elements. Local references allow you to do just that.
You got the local references in the templates, but you can also access your elements directly from the TypeScript file - this lecture explains how that works.
Want to pass structured content (e.g. HTML code) into another component? Learn more about it in this lecture.
Components follow a certain lifecycle - this lecture dives deeper into this topic.
Let's see those lifecycle hooks in action.
How can we access template elements in different lifecycle hooks? Let's find out ...
You may also get access to the content projected into a component - let's also see how that works in lifecycle hooks.
Let me wrap up this section about Components & Databinding
Now that we learned how to pass data to components, let's enhance our app.
Let's use the new features to add a first version of our app navigation - using custom events and ngIf.
We can not only listen to our own events, we can also pass data to components now, so let's do so.
Let's build a more complex chain of custom property and event binding to pass data around.
The user should also be able to add ingredients to the shopping list, so let's add such a feature.
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