Are you ready to build a blog that can generate sales 24/7 on autopilot? Is your dream to have complete freedom to work when you want and from where you want?
Follow along with me as we build a professional-looking blog from scratch, attract masses of traffic using nothing but free methods, and turn it into a fun and profitable online venture. The training starts out assuming that you have no prior knowledge but becomes more advanced as you progress through the course.
Learn from an instructor with 20 years of experience in building blogs & websites and extensive online marketing experience. By the end of this course, you will have a fully-fledged online business even if you don’t yet know what to blog about! You will also know more than 99% of bloggers or ‘would be’ bloggers on the Internet.
Let’s take a look at the top 6 reasons why everyone who strives to earn a living online should have a blog:
Blogging is an ideal way to get free traffic from Google and other search engines.
Blogging can be used to market almost anything from affiliate products, e-commerce, Amazon listings, and more.
User-friendly technology available today makes blogging simple, even for non-techies!
We can use blogging to turn our interests into profit. Almost any subject is suitable for monetization.
It’s virtually free! You can build and run a successful blog for less than $5 per month.
A blog is an asset that can potentially be sold in the future.
Imagine that your work is also something you enjoy doing. Most people only ever dream about earning a living from doing something they love. But, some are using blogging to realize that dream, so why not you?
Aside from the potential of earning an ongoing income, a blog is an asset. Blogs can sell for four, five, or even six figures.
No knowledge or experience is required. You’ll be following me, click-by-click, step-by-step, as you create a blog the right way. You’ll monetize it, promote it using free methods, and finally, build a list of email subscribers — so that you can double (or more) your income for the same amount of effort.
You’ll need to budget for around 5 dollars per month.
Throughout the course, I demonstrate every step in detail with ‘over the shoulder’ lectures. You’ll learn how to create posts, and which types of posts work best. You’ll learn where and how to get content and ideas for your posts. And how to optimize for the search engines — the simple way — and much, much more.
Blogging is low cost and budget-friendly :)
The course is split into three main parts. Level One, Two, and Three. Watch this video to find out what you'll be learning and doing in Level One.
Some motivation and inspiration for you! In this video we look at 3 blogs in very different niches.
Before you begin, you need to decide what to blog about. Even if you already some ideas, it's a good idea to watch this lecture first.
Many niches are very broad, therefore it's often a good idea to drill down and find a smaller sub-niche
Almost any niche has the potential to be profitable, but there are ways to make sure that your chosen niche is a viable one
There are some niches that are more difficult to work with. This lesson discusses those niches and the reasons why you might want to avoid them.
Your blog domain name is important. This lecture will show you how to choose the right kind of domain name and which domains to avoid.
Get low cost and reliable hosting for your blog, plus a free domain name
Set up your new hosting account. This will be your blog's 'space' on the Web.
Continued - Set up your new hosting account. This will be your blog's 'space' on the Web.
First time log in to your new blog dashboard
How to access the new email account that you set up earlier
Here's the easiest way to get help and support for your hosting account
In the future if you want to set up a second blog/website on the same hosting, this is how it's done
Get your blog set up correctly from the start - Split into easy to follow bite-sized lessons - Part 1.
Get your blog set up correctly from the start - Part 2
Get your blog set up correctly from the start - Part 3
Get your blog set up correctly from the start - Part 4
Get your blog set up correctly from the start - Part 5
Get your blog set up correctly from the start - Part 6
How to come up with the best title and tagline (sub-title) for your new blog
A few simple tasks and decluttering :)
A quick lesson to explain what you can expect moving forward
This short video explains who should watch this section of the course.
Set up your new hosting account. This will be your blog's 'space' on the Web.
Continued - Set up your new hosting account. This will be your blog's 'space' on the Web.
Logging in to WordPress for the first time
A quick walkthrough, and overview, of the World's most popular blogging platform.
Let's complete the basic settings before moving on to the next step.
Tidy up the blog dashboard, and learn how to clear the WordPress cache.
How to create a title and sub-title (tag line) for your blog.
Using the recommended hosting, you can create free professional email addresses for your blog.
How to choose and install a free, high quality design theme.
An overview of how design themes work.
Set up an author profile, and, if you prefer, create a nickname to use in place of your real name.
Use a free add-on to create a contact form, and add it to a new page on your blog.
Every blog or website must have a Terms & Conditions page. We'll be adding one in this lesson. Sample page provided.
Every blog or website must have a Privacy Policy page. Learn how to edit and activate the built in Privacy page.
It's time to set up the first navigation menu on your blog.
If your blog gets any visitors from Europe, you will need to install a consent plugin. This is a free add-on.
The cookie policy page goes hand-in-hand with the cookie plugin.
Give visitors a way to easily share your posts on their social media accounts :)
After installing the social sharing plugin, we need to add a few snippets of text to the Privacy Policy page.
The SEO plugin helps to configure your blog posts and pages to get free traffic from Google and the other search engines.
Widgets are content areas on your blog. In this lesson we take a look at how to use them, and what we can put in them.
Most design themes have a footer menu, but what if you've chosen a theme that doesn't have one?
Create your own blog header image using a versatile, free tool.
Create your own unique logo, or get one made, cheaply.
The search engines can't read images, so it's important that we tell them what our images are about. Here's how you do it.
It's time to start tweaking the design theme. We'll be doing more of this later on :)
Continued - It's time to start tweaking the design theme. We'll be doing more of this later on :)
Where to get ideas and inspiration, plus where to look for content that you can re-write as your own
Learn how to compose post titles that will get your reader's attention.
Know the basics of writing good blog posts.
How to get your first post ready for publishing on your blog.
In these lessons we go through the process of adding your very first post, including optimizing the post for your readers and for the search engines.
Continued - In these lessons we go through the process of adding your very first post, including optimizing the post for your readers and for the search engines.
The final part of adding your very first post, and optimizing it for readers and for the search engines.
Learn how to use a free app to correct grammar mistakes, and improve the readability of your posts.
The WordPress editor is feature rich, and easy to use. This lesson demonstrates how to use it, and how to get familiar with it.
PLR stands for private label rights. PLR articles are articles that you can purchase, very cheaply, and use without any copyright issues.
Learn how to create your posts in advance, and schedule them to be published on a future date.
If you want to set up the slider on the Home page of your blog, here's how it's done.
This free add-on allows you to create sliders and place them in widget areas, or posts.
In this lesson, we build out the main navigation menu by adding links to categories, posts, and pages.
Some themes have a Home page link on the main navigation menu, but some don't. If your theme is missing the Home page link, here's how to create one.
Internal links are an important part of SEO (search engine optimization).
Let's tidy up the blog, and get it looking more presentable. We will be doing more of this later on.
It's time to allow search engines to index your blog!
Learn about a free tool that integrates with the WordPress editor to give you more flexibility with the design of your blog pages
If your blog is allowing comments, you will need to prevent comment spam.
Let's go through the free Jetpack settings to help speed up and protect your blog
Learn how to redirect visitors who land on a 404 page on your blog. It's good for SEO, and good for user experience.
In this lesson we are going to set up tracking. Tracking allows you to see how many visitors your blog is getting, where they are coming from, which posts they are reading, and more.
Go back and add important images in the SEO plugin settings.
Some quick maintenance, and a check up!
It's a good idea to let plugins update automatically. This ensures that your installed plugins are always completely up to date.
Round two of the blog tidy up. We're getting close to the end of Level 1 now :)
Optional - add links to your social media accounts. Don't worry if you don't have any accounts yet, because you can come back and do this step later.
Congratulations, you now have a fully fledged blog! So what's next? Watch this lesson to find out.
Install and set up the Woocommerce plugin if you plan to process orders and payments directly from your blog - Part 2
Install and set up the Woocommerce plugin if you plan to process orders and payments directly from your blog - Part 3
Install and set up the Woocommerce plugin if you plan to process orders and payments directly from your blog - Part 4
Install and set up the Woocommerce plugin if you plan to process orders and payments directly from your blog - Part 5
Level Two is all about driving traffic (visitors) and monetizing your blog. Discover what you will learn and what you will have achieved by the end of it.
Go through these quick checks to make sure your blog is ready for visitors.
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