Build a Pizza Oven for FREE
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I built a pizza oven for $36. I could have built it totally FREE if I’d had more patience. I asked a professional pizza construction company for a quote for an oven my size, it was close to $5000.00 and it didn’t have any of the decorative elements or the bench I built opposite it also for free. If I can build it with no building experience, you can build one too. This course will teach you how. It will take you through the design from siting your pizza oven, to getting material for free, to designing your pizza oven, everything you need to know about mixing and building with cob through building your pizza oven. I could make 15+ pizzas, bake 4-5 loaves of bread, a casserole and still have enough heat to dry fruit.
3Where to build your pizza ovenВидео урок
4Design your baseВидео урок
The base is the surface that will bring your pizza oven up to whatever height you want it to be built. Pizza ovens can be built at any height but make sure you've taken all the factors into account. Your base is also important to protect your cob from whicking up water.
5Building your baseТест
The base is what your pizza oven will be built on. I'd suggest having this built before you start a work party.
6Getting and Managing materialsВидео урок
Where do you find materials for free and once you have them how do you manage and store them?
7Gathering tools you'll needВидео урок
Where do you find the tools you'll need for FREE?
8What tools do you need to build your earth oven?Тест
Choose the list of tools you need to build your earth oven from the base up
9How to arrange your building siteВидео урок
17Design your door opening and chimneyВидео урок
Multiple door shapes will work but what do you need to take into account in deciding what shape and size to make your door opening?
18Creating your sand maskВидео урок
This is the exciting part, all your preparation leads to actually building your pizza oven
19How to make your door opening & chimneyТест
How to make the right size door opening
20Your oven door openingТест
Your oven door opening's design is important to do correctly
21Covering your dome - insulating layerВидео урок
22Why cover your cob with an insulating layer?Тест
Why do you need another insulating layer?