C++ Tutorial for Complete Beginners
- Описание
- Учебная программа
- Отзывы
This course teaches you the powerful, fast and popular C++ programming language from scratch, assuming only basic computer knowledge. If you want to develop apps that squeeze the most power from your computer — high-end desktop games or complex artificial intelligence programs, for instance — or if you want to use a language that let's you get close to your machine and access all of your computer's hardware, C++ is the language for you. While C++ is quite challenging, in this course we'll learn the basics step by step; towards the end of the course you'll learn how to create a beautiful "particle fire" program, including a smattering of the basic principles of game development.
1Introducing C++Видео урок
What is C++ and why should you learn it?
2Screen ResolutionТекст урока
3Setup and InstallationВидео урок
What you need to get started with C++, and where you can get it.
4Hello World C++Видео урок
5Outputting TextВидео урок
How to "print" text to the console in C++.
6VariablesВидео урок
7Strings - Working with TextВидео урок
Strings let you store bits of text that you can use later in your program.
8User InputВидео урок
Our programs aren't very interesting until they are interactive. So in this tutorial we'll look at getting input from the user.
9Binary Numbers and Computer MemoryВидео урок
In C++, it helps a lot to know a bit about how the computer's memory is structured. So we'll take a look at binary numbers, bits and bytes in this tutorial
10Integer TypesВидео урок
C++ provides you with various kinds of variable types for working with numbers. In this tutorial we'll take a look at integer types.
11Floating Point TypesВидео урок
12Other Types: Char and BoolВидео урок
13IfВидео урок
14If-ElseВидео урок
15If-Else If-ElseВидео урок
16Comparing FloatsВидео урок
17C++ ConditionsВидео урок
18While LoopsВидео урок
19Do-While LoopsВидео урок
20"For" LoopsВидео урок
21Break and ContinueВидео урок
22Arrays - Lists of DataВидео урок
23Multidimensional ArraysВидео урок
24Sizeof and ArraysВидео урок
25Sizeof Multidimensional ArraysВидео урок
26SwitchВидео урок
39PointersВидео урок
40ArithmeticВидео урок
41Pointers and ArraysВидео урок
42Pointer ArithmeticВидео урок
43Char ArraysВидео урок
44Reversing a StringВидео урок
45ReferencesВидео урок
46The "const" KeywordВидео урок
47Copy ConstructorsВидео урок
48The New OperatorВидео урок
49Returning Objects from FunctionsВидео урок
50Allocating MemoryВидео урок
51Arrays and FunctionsВидео урок
52NamespacesВидео урок
58Particle Fire ExplosionВидео урок
59Using C++ LibrariesВидео урок
60Aquiring Simple Direct Media LayerВидео урок
Note: Lazy Foo's tutorials are a great resource for specific SDL setup instructions, and SDL in general: http://lazyfoo.net/tutorials/SDL/01_hello_SDL/index.php
61A Basic SDL ProgramВидео урок
Note: for Windows you need both SDL2.lib and SDLmain.lib
62Creating an SDL WindowВидео урок
63Textures, Renderers and BuffersВидео урок
64Setting Pixel ColorsВидео урок
65Creating the Screen ClassВидео урок
66Bit Shifting and ColorsВидео урок
67Adding a Set Pixel MethodВидео урок
68Animating ColorsВидео урок
69Creating ParticlesВидео урок
70Animating ParticlesВидео урок
71Creating an ExplosionВидео урок
72Ensuring Constant SpeedВидео урок
73Bitwise "And"Видео урок
74Implementing Box BlurВидео урок
75Tweaking Particle MotionВидео урок