Direct Path to Enlightenment & Mental Freedom | Attain Yoga
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>>Highest Rated enlightenment course on Udemy<<
«Tiger, your teaching is like gently unfurling the confusion and opening the clouds up to show a clear path to ‘whole.’ Your delivery is so engaging. As I listen to you, I feel mesmerized, as if I am being led into meditation and knowing who I am. Thank you.» Anil Agrawal -Student
Do you want a direct course on how to truly awaken from this world’s illusions?
Would you like to have the tools to find long lasting mental freedom?
Are you interested in what enlightenment is and how to experience it?
Do you feel like you are not progressing quickly enough in your spiritual journey to awakening?
This course was designed with tons of love in my heart and the sincere intention to help you awaken to your true nature that is always free from stress. Your true nature is boundless freedom itself.
Contrary to popular belief, enlightenment is not something that is reserved only for yogis, meditators, characters from antiquity such as the Buddha and so on.
The enlightenment experience is the only experience that reveals to you what you are, what the nature of reality truly is, and how to never be bothered by the chattering of the mind again.
Q. Yoga? Will I be learning stretches and poses?
A. No.
One of the main translations for the hindu word Yoga is «Union» . Yoga is something to be attained, not just to do. When one becomes fully self-realised it means they have attained Yoga. This union is not the union of a man and his wife, but a union of who you believe yourself to be and the entire universe itself.
This is what you will learn in this course:
How to awaken from mind/ego
Learn what consciousness is
How to practice effective self-enquiry
How to see through the illusion of a physical world
How to understand what time is
Increase your intellectual understanding of the true nature of reality
and more!
1IntroductionВидео урок
At the very least upon completing this course, you will understand your true nature/true self, that exists beyond the mind and be able to access blissful peace whenever you decide to. At the most, you will experience enlightenment/self-realisation or "oneness" with not just the world, but the universe itself.
2What Is Enlightenment?Видео урок
Enlightenment is a word that is used carelessly by people who have not experienced it. I hope this video helps you understand what this unexplainable appearance within consciousness is. Though you will understand much more as you progress through the course no doubt.
3The Direct Path to TruthВидео урок
I will keep you on the path of truth, not spiritual dogma.
4What If I Don't Get It?Видео урок
What if you do get it?
5The E WordВидео урок
I use the word mentioned in this lecture to speak about absolute reality and the relative reality too.
6The Three Levels Of RealityВидео урок
7What Is Non-duality?Видео урок
Understanding non-duality is like understanding reality itself.
8Self Enquiry MasteryВидео урок
The most powerful method to awakening is effective self-enquiry.
9Useful Terms/Words To KnowТекст урока
Useful Advaitic words to have handy on your journey to the enlightenment experience. Why? Because knowing these ancient words helps you understand the narrative of the course better and helps you appreciate that this is not a new practice but a practice that has awakened people to the truth for thousands of years.
10Who Wants Freedom?Текст урока
11The Fallacy Of HappinessВидео урок
Happiness is what we all want, but are you understanding happiness properly?
12The Truth About HappinessВидео урок
What truly is happiness anyway?
13Where to Find Eternal HappinessВидео урок
The first of many lectures that includes very strong pointings into your true nature of being.
14Experience Mental FreedomВидео урок
Many people say they feel "lost" in life. Sometimes feelings of being from another planet or body or mind arise. Allow me to point you back to what is true, may this video and course ease your sense of being lonely, which stems from the belief that you are at a distance from your true self.
15Is There More To Life Than Happiness?Текст урока
16Objects & YouТекст урока
17Breaking Down Reality | SeeingВидео урок
What truly is seeing?
18Breaking Down Reality | TouchВидео урок
What truly is touch?
19Breaking Down Reality | HearingВидео урок
What truly is hearing and sound?
20Breaking Down Reality | SmellВидео урок
What truly is the sense of smell?
21Breaking Down Reality | TasteВидео урок
What truly is taste, do we really taste things?
22The Non-Existent Reality Of ObjectsВидео урок
The foundation of awakening to oneself is knowing what one is and is not. It's time you looked at reality without the glasses of illusion on.
23The Non-Existent Reality Of ColourВидео урок
Have you ever seen a colour? Think about it...
24Crystals Tarot Aliens & YouВидео урок
25Science Vs Nonduality/Advaita VedantaВидео урок
Science or nonduality? This question must be looked at. Since both science and nonduality teachings claim to be the way to know the truth of reality.
26Materialism Vs Consciousness (Bonus Lecture)Видео урок
Bonus video.
27Does The Brain Really Create Consciousness?Видео урок
Consciousness, brain, is there truly a correlation?
28Discover What A Thought Really IsВидео урок
What are these things we label thought? Ironically, they are not what you think they are.
29How Do I Control My Thoughts?Видео урок
People claim to be able to help you control your thoughts, can this truly be so? No. When you understand the illusion of the doer.
30What Are Emotions?Видео урок
Emotion, just energy in motion or something different?
31Understanding Emotions FurtherТекст урока
32You Are Not The BodyВидео урок
Your first belief in life is that you end at your fingertips. Is it merely a belief?
36Is Life A Dream?Видео урок
Waking, dream and deep sleep. Let's look at these states.
37Time Is Not RealВидео урок
Time is a concept, you probably know this, but do you know why this is true?
38The Fallacy Of Cause And EffectВидео урок
Without the idea of cause and effect, a lot of beliefs of what reality truly is falls to pieces. Alas, then we are left with truth.
39Free Will Or No Free Will? Which Is True?Видео урок
Is life determined?
40WHO has Free Will?Текст урока
Further explanation on the truth of free will.
41The Sticking PointТекст урока
A short note on the waking, dreaming, deep sleep states.