In this program, we will guide you on how you can teach your kids to become an entrepreneur and how they can manage their money the right way.
Our goal is teach your children how to start and run a business because we believe that every child can become a successful business owner and entrepreneur someday with the right guidance and support from adults. This can also become a good bonding opportunity for kids and parents.
Our modules are created specifically for parents as a tool for children to learn about business with visual presentations and easy to learn instructions. The children will participate in interactive business lessons, quizzes, activities, trivias and puzzles.
At the end of this program, your kids will have a running and earning business. With your help as a parent or guardian, they can become whoever they dream to be.
Our program gives children the opportunity to learn about the wonderful world of entrepreneurship.
Here are the topics that your kids will learn in the course:
Introduction to Business
Finding customers
Marketing your products
Money management
Characteristics of Good Entrepreneurs
Sample Business Plans
We hope that this module can mold the next generation of entrepreneurs who can think of better ways to solve the problems around us.
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